theexperiential on DeviantArt

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March 4, 2009
Steven Paul Jobs by ~dylanroscover is one of the most amazing Text Art portraits I've ever seen on deviantART. Wow. From the first glance it looks like a painting... But if you look closer and click on ''full view'' you'll see that it's all typography, even his pupil! This deviant just joined a short while ago, but already has a gallery you should keep an eye on!

Featured by Sander-Seto
theexperiential's avatar

Steven Paul Jobs



This is a typeface-driven design based on the "Here's to the crazy ones" ad campaign from Apple in the 90s, using Motter Tektura, Apple Garamond, Myriad, Univers, Gill Sans, and Volkswagen AG Rounded, fonts present in Apple branding and products.
Image size
1600x1235px 565.98 KB
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